You can contact us for product quotes and inquiries
A/S application
Do you have any inconvenience in using the product?
Pora Electric Machinery Co., Ltd. will provide customers with prompt after sale service.
Send an inquiry to the head office at +82-31-455-8183.
  • Check or write the content related to the *(essential items).
  • Briefly explain the condition and symptom of the product currently in use.
  • Write the name, company name, contact information and address of the person who is applying for after sale service.
  • The contents that do not comply with application for and inquiry about after sale service may be randomly deleted by the administrator.
Date of product purchase *
  • Year
  • Month
Purchased from *
Model Name *
Product Symptom*

Product condition



Powder brake/clutch

Motor Actuator

Name *
Company Name
Telephone no.
Mobile phone no. *
E-mail *
Attached file
Password *
1. Collection of personal information and the purpose of use
Personal information management : Application for After Sale Service
2. Items of the personal information collected.
Items of the information collected: Name, company name, mobile phone no, e-mail, access log, and access IP information
3. Possession of personal information and period of use
The relevant information is discarded without delay in principle once the purpose of personal information collection and use is achieved.
However, the following information is kept for the reason specified below for the specified period
Items preserved: Name, company name, mobile phone no., and e-mail
Ground for preservation: Application for After Sale Service
Period of preservation: 5 years
Right to refuse to agree on collection and use of personal information

Users have the right not to agree on collection and use of the above personal information.

However, as collection and use of personal information is essential for operation of the site by the company, use of service by the user who does not agree on collection and use of personal information is restricted.